On-site massage
Outcall massage therapist service in Bangkok
Outcall massage
Magic hands therapist service in Bangkok
Thai massage service
Full body massage, tension massage, stress massage
On-demand massage
Coconut Oil massage in Bangkok
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about us

Happy to serve you Sincerely hope that we will have the opportunity to take care of our customers as best,

We hope you support Choose to use our services.

About All Therapists

  • Therapists have massage professional licenses.
  • We have more than 5 years of massage experience.
  • be honest , trustworthy.
  • We have received at least 3 injections of vaccination.
  • We consider the safety of our customer Strict cleanliness wear a mask service frombeginning to end


Why Should you just choose our services.?

We provide professional service Suitable for privacy areas.

Has experience in massage therapy for at least 5 years.

We Provide professional services.

There is a certificate passed the assessment from the Department of Massage.

We are Honest.

Employee have been tested for COVID ever day before starting work. and received at least 3 doses of vaccination for everyone.

Take into account Cleanliness and safety according to hygiene in service.

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OUTCALL Massage Price

Thai Massage


magical hands service

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Get to understand more about Outcall massage

Outcall massages offer several advantages:


  • Convenience: Clients don’t have to travel to the therapist’s location, making it more convenient, especially for those with mobility issues or busy schedules.
  • Comfort: Many people prefer receiving a massage in the comfort of their own space, as it can help them relax more easily.
  • Personalization: Outcall massage therapists can tailor the experience to the client’s preferences and create a more personalized atmosphere.
  • Privacy: Some clients appreciate the privacy of receiving a massage in their own environment, rather than a shared spa or clinic setting.

Couples massage is a popular and romantic spa experience, and it offers several unique selling points to promote:

  • Quality Time Together: Couples massage is an opportunity for partners to spend quality time together, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Highlight the chance to bond and connect with your loved one in a serene and peaceful environment.

  • Relaxation and Stress Relief: Emphasize that both partners can relax simultaneously and de-stress together. The calming ambiance, soothing music, and skilled therapists provide an ideal atmosphere for relaxation.

  • Shared Experience: A couples massage is a shared experience, and many couples find it to be a way to strengthen their relationship. Mention the romantic and intimate setting that a couples massage can provide.

  • Customization: Stress that your therapists can customize the massage experience to each partner’s preferences. Whether one person prefers a Swedish massage while the other prefers deep tissue, the massage can be tailored to suit individual needs.

  • Side-by-Side Pampering: The fact that both partners can be pampered side by side in the same room adds to the romantic atmosphere. Highlight the sense of togetherness and indulgence.

  • Improved Communication: Some couples find that a massage experience enhances communication and intimacy. Stress how this shared relaxation can promote better understanding and connection.

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